Sunday, April 10, 2011

Libya Turmoil 79

Here are a few English newspaper articles which are worth reading.
Meanwhile I am working on my own article about my own preliminary conclusions.

‘Libya: the mission keeps on creeping

There is a whiff of panic about Cameron and Hague's strategy on Libya. To say it has been clueless is almost to be too kind’

Guardian  ( left wing paper)comments after this article-   about mess rebels are in-

    From telegraph blogs-  ( after Couglin article ) I think from comments lots of military guys read the telegraph and you can pick up interesting information
    04/07/2011 09:44 PM
    I would not be too sure we are not contemplating forming part of an invasion force: Catrick Garrison and Bovington are deploying large numbers of tanks to Italy. 

    Not sure why they would choose to take them to Italy!


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    The delayed action of pot and coke on our politicians brains is now becoming apparent. Having rushed to take sides in a civil war without thinking it through, we are now scrabbling around to try and save Camerons face.
    04/07/2011 08:36 PM
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    The British and Fench were screaming for a no-fly zone without any inkling of what to do should it last more than a a week. The US reluctantly agreed to carry the weight over the first period then backed off as planned. Now we have three to four days of minimal/disorganized air strikes by NATO which has badly let the rebel side down, and killed more than a few "friednlies". Whats missing are the A-10s and C-130s which caused so much damage to gaddaffis troops over the initial period. Britain has called up four more Tornadoes. Whoopdidoo. A Tornado dropping 2,000 lb laser guided bombs is the wrong mission - Britain and France lack the weoponry (and aircraft numbers) to carry this forward. Now talk of trainers/weapons/mercenaries. If its left to Britain and France then this might happen sometime in May 2012. This from a previous comment really rings a bell with me "as long as the British love affair with war endures, and no for as long as people like yourself glorify childish militarist concepts such as "our invincible SAS" or "our glorious RAF” or “victorious Royal Navy" etc. etc. This error of judgment will hang around the nation's neck for as long as Britain lives with this fantasy of self righteousness and still being a world power.

    Hit the nail right on the head.
    04/07/2011 08:28 PM
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    The UK must get out of this as quickly as possible we are are in no win situation the UN resolution must implemented a cease fire yesterday enforced equally on both sides .

    This is not the UK private war !

    plus one can complain to Nato about breaching terms of resolution.... 

    Here are 2 French newspaper clippings in which the change is already visible.


    1. bonjour, bon retour !

      sarkosy détruit la france systématiquement. et au delà : l'europe.
      les conséquences de ses attaques militaires (non démocratiquement votées au parlement) peuvent entraîner une déstabilisation du pays, déjà profondément secoué par une crise économique qui dure.
      lampedusa sera aussi ingérable que les "vengeances" promises par la lybie et la cote d'ivoire. le tout sera "instrumentalisé" par l'extrême droite et la gauche bien pensante.
      sarkosy peut utiliser les conséquences de ses propres actes pour justifier d'une politique libérale dérégulée sous prétexte de tensions internationales (terrorisme) qu'il aura lui même mis en place.
      c'est pervers mais probable !
      il n'y a plus d'argent dans les caisses de l'état, ce qui peut justifier la privatisation de la sécurité sociale, par exemple.
      et ainsi de a déjà parcouru beaucoup de chemin dans ce sens.

      cette époque n'est pas trouble elle est au contraire trop claire.

      cher Mercure, savez vous aujourd'hui qui sont réellement les insurgés lybiens, merveilleux démocrates ?

      bien à vous,

    2. Just a minor correction: Guardian isn't a left wing paper by any means, but libertarian. By the way, I've heard that its coverage of the Libyan issue has been atrocious - the worst among all major British newspapers.

    3. @ Levantine

      Are you sure about the Guardian, I always thought they were leftist.
      Do you mean libertarian Ayn Rand like, that would really shock me with what I read in that paper from time to time, or liberal???

    4. Ever have to deal with a drunk in bar room brawl?

      France in the Age of Sarkozy
